Sunday, 1 November 2015

Why I've Been Inactive (+ BLOGMAS??)

Hey guys!!
As you can probably guess, I have been inactive recently and this is just a short post explaining why.
I am in Year 11 at school which is my exam year so I am super busy with coursework and revision, and I don't want to write half hearted posts, but I don't have the time to write detailed posts, with photos needed to be taken and edited too.
I was going to use this half term to draft posts for November, but as you will have seen if you follow me on Twitter, I am going to some time out to focus on my friend who is very ill. When she recovers I will be sure to spend my spare time (after revising) writing blog posts but until then, I will continue to be inactive.
However, recently I have been thinking about doing blogmas, which is blogging everyday in December until Christmas. I am still unsure but feel free to tweet me if you think I should!! Also let me know which kind of posts you would like.
I'm sorry that this post wasn't like normal but please feel free to tweet/dm me your thoughts on blogmas!!
Thank you so much,
Em x

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! I tagged you over on my blog to do the liebster award... you can check it out here: x
