Wednesday 14 October 2015

100 Happy Days #2

Hey guys!!
So as you know, I decided to start the #100happydays challenge as I thought that the idea was just adorable and so lovely. You can read about that here.
Last week I spoke about the first 9 days and today I am going to talk about the second 9 days and show you what made me happy!!

Receiving my w7 In the Nude palette made my day!! Review coming soon.

I love sunflowers so much, they're so pretty.

We all know how much I adore cacti, so I couldn't go a few days without posting more photos of them!!

I had such a long tiring week, and Friday was the end which was amazing.

Cold Saturday's call for Disney and duvets.

I didn't take a photo of this but FaceTiming my bestfriend was lovely, I can't wait to see her again in two weeks!!

I just want all the Tsum Tsum's, they are so adorable.

I want to be back here in the sunshine please.

The new Autumn Starbucks cards are so beautiful!!

That is my second nine days of 100 Happy Days! Let me know if you've been doing the challenge too or what day was your favourite!
Em x

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Make-up Expiry Dates

Hey guys!!
This weekend I was going through some of my make-up to see what was out of date and find some things that I could throw away. It was this that led me to start thinking about expiry dates on make-up as its so easy to forget when products are started, and how long before you need to replace them. As with any other product you shouldn't use make-up products with expired expiration dates. Expired beauty product can be full of bacteria which can cause you a lot of problems with skin health.

It's important to go through your make-up bag every 3-4 moths and see which products aren't good any more. I noticed that some make-up products don't say how long you can use them. So I like to stick little paper notes on each product and write the date when I first started using it. The real question is: How long do make-up products last?

Mascara - 2-6 months
Eyeliner (liquid): 3 months
Concealer: 6-12 months
Foundation: 1 year
Clear mascara: 1 year
Eyeliner (pencil): 1-2 years
Lipstick: 2 years
Powder: 2 years
Blush: 2 years
Bronzer: 2 years
Eye-shadow: 2 years

I hope that this helped some of you in some way and that it'll be useful for you when clearing out your make-up!! Maintaining skin health is so important and a way in which you can do this is by clearing out your make-up collection every few months. 
Em x

Saturday 10 October 2015

World Mental Health Day

Hey guys!!
Today's post will be a little different but its about a subject that I feel ridiculously passionate about, and that I feel should be talked about more. Especially on today, which happens to be World Mental Health Day. 

For those of you who may not be aware, October 10th 2015 is Mental Health Awareness Day. Waking up today and seeing #WorldMentalHealthDay trending made me so happy, as I think it is fantastic that we as a society dedicate certain days in the calendar to well needed causes such as mental health, cancer, bullying etc.

I was unsure how to approach the subject of mental health through a blog post as it is very easy to offend individuals but I have the platform online to spread awareness on such a horrible and common issue, and I feel that it would be an injustice to avoid the topic completely.  I am this to spread awareness and tell you reading this post, that it will get better. It may not seem like it right now but it will.

Through reading the #WorldMentalHealthDay campaign on Twitter, it is clear that many individuals don’t feel “good enough” or "can’t see a future ahead for them". I understand that many of you feel that way on a daily basis, some of you use the internet to overcome these feelings but, I promise that you are someone’s reason to wake up every morning with a smile on their face and not only that, you were born into this world for many exciting reasons, unaware of what they are yet? The beauty of life is the unknown, and the fact that you can be anyone you choose to be.

If you are sitting reading this and you are struggling to come to terms with how you are going to get through these next few days, weeks, months or years, then take a few moments and think about all of those times that you have laughed with your friends, all of those times you've danced crazily to your favourite song, all of those times you've made your parents proud, and those days you got up when all you wanted to do was stay under your duvet and hide from the world. Now stand up, stand tall and tell yourself, “I am not going to let this beat me. I am much stronger than this. This is only a minor bump on the road to my very successful future.” A few years ago, I made a page on my tumblr which was so popular and if this can maybe just help one of you, then it'll be worth it. You can find it here and it is so helpful if you need a distraction from everything in your head. 
You may be reading this and thinking that none of this directly applies to you, but there is certainly someone around you who is affected by a mental illness as MIND charity found that, 1 in 4 individuals have been diagnosed with at least one mental health problem in the last year. You may think that because you are not trained that there is nothing you can do to help someone who is suffering but the best thing to do is to look out for the signs of depression:
  • A (sudden) loss of interest which was once enjoyed
  • Isolating oneself away from the rest of the world; not wanting to see family or friends
  • A sudden negative attitude towards many things in life
  • If at school or work; a sudden decline in their standard of work
  • Staying in bed more than often than before to avoid contact with other people
  • A gradual/sudden lack of care for one’s appearance or oneself
If you notice someone acting somewhat different than their usual self, question it! You could save a life. 
Making sure that those around you is one of the hardest, but most humbling things that you could possibly do, and even though people may not directly thank you, please be assured that they definitely do appreciate it.
Please always remember that those individuals who have a smile on their face might not necessarily be happy, they could be putting up a front for many reasons. 
Please don’t suffer in silence, so many people love and care about you and will be there for you when you need them, including me. (You can contact me on any of my social media).

Stay strong.

Em x

Sunday 4 October 2015

100 Happy Days #1

Hey guys!!
Last week, I decided to start the #100happydays challenge as I thought that the idea was just adorable and so lovely. You can read about that here.
Today I am going to talk about the first 9 days and show you what made me happy!!

My friends and I took music technology as an enrichment subject and its so funny!

If you don't spend your Friday nights on the sofa under your duvet writing blog posts then what do you do?

I love this book by Giovanna Fletcher, its absolutely incredible!

Waking up to a blue sky with the sun out is lovely.

I felt super ill on Monday but a nap and Frozen fixed everything!

My Benefit Air Patrol sample arrived and I'm so excited to use it.

I had a half day on Thursday so that was the perfect excuse to get a Nandos!

Lift selfies are the best selfies

I love Starbucks so much 

That is my first nine days of 100 Happy Days! Let me know if you've been doing the challenge too or what day was your favourite!
Em x